Does My Loved One Need Transitional Care?

Upon discharge from the hospital, your mom or dad might not be ready to resume normal daily activities because of illness or surgery. Transitional care is a form of rehabilitation that helps to bridge the gap. Many people have faced the question: Does my parent need transitional care? You’ll be glad to learn that it’s vital to have a ‘stepping stone’ between the hospital and full recovery.

During this period, your parent may receive therapies as needed, including physical, occupational, and speech. Afterward, they may require special services to aid recovery. Social workers will assist you in setting up any services, including:

Why You Should Consider Transitional Care

Medical professionals practicing transitional care aim to identify and overcome challenges in care gaps and ensure successful transitions. Therefore, they enhance patient experience while avoiding re-admissions, saving both you and the health systems time and money.

The Affordable Care Act established in 2012 penalizes organizations for unacceptably high re-admission rates among Medicaid and Medicare patients. According to Medicare, 12 percent of re-admissions are preventable, and they cost the institution up to $1 billion annually. Consequently, it’s a priority for the healthcare industry to reduce re-admissions through transitional care. As a result, you’ll get high-quality care at a reduced cost.

An intensive transitional program offers positive qualitative outcomes. Your mom or dad will not only be satisfied with the program, but their confidence will also improve as well. This confidence fosters self-advocacy and independence.

Selecting a Suitable Transitional Care Provider

Start searching for a provider after you get an affirmative answer to your question, “Does my parent need transitional care?” Your doctor will help you to determine whether your parent will benefit from transitional care.

It’s advisable to research transitional care providers before taking your parent out of the hospital. Consider vital factors such as:

  • The ratio of patients to nurses
  • On-site medical staff, including nurse practitioners and physicians
  • Their statistics for patient re-admission
  • Type of therapy available
  • The frequency in which your parent will receive therapy

The type of services to choose will depend on your parent’s diagnosis and reason for hospitalization. For example, if your mom or dad suffered a brain injury such as a stroke, they’ll need speech therapy to regain communication skills.

Learn More at HomeCentris

The length of transitional care mostly depends on the type of surgery that your parent may have had. The caregivers will also consider the patient’s response to therapy and the stability of any chronic illnesses.

Once you can take care of your parent alone, you should inquire about any resources available that can offer assistance. Furthermore, take all the essential steps to ensure you have all the supplies and equipment you require at home. If therapy needs to continue, organize with a nurse who can make house calls. Take time to understand all medications and dosages, including potential side effects and interactions.

A professional care team will address all these concerns before leaving your parent. A comprehensive plan will be available to mitigate cost, improve outcomes, and prevent gaps in care.

So, are you still wondering, does my parent need transitional care? Whatever you decide, keep in mind that your loved one may prefer to remain at home when they’re battling chronic illnesses, recuperating from surgery, or as they age. Contact us today at 410-486-5330 to learn more about transitional care.